Alice's Adventures In Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
Macmillan and Co, London, 1866
First UK edition, 1866 First Published Printing, FIRST STATE A very good, and internally clean hardcover copy, with the original red cloth covered boards with the original tissue guard. FIRST STATE with the Inverted "S" on the last line of the contents page, and page 30 numbered as page "3".
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Methuen & Co, London, 1924, 1926, 1927, 1928
FIRST STATE of the First Edition, First Printings A superb set of Fine/Near Fine, clean crisp books, in Fine/Near Fine dust jackets.
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Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets (Scarce Uncorrected Proof, 1 of 200 !) - J.K. Rowling
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London, 1998
Scarce Uncorrected Proof Copy: Uncorrected Proofs are distributed for READING and review PRIOR to the release of the first printing. This copy is in extraordinary condition for one of the early Harry Potter series uncorrected proofs, and is extremely rare. The uncorrected proof for The Chamber of Secrets had a presumed print run of only about 200 pieces, figures provided by the publisher. Complete with the Bloomsbury copyright page and the complete number line of 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. This book was issued BEFORE the first printing (see below for the definition of an Uncorrected Proof).
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Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone - J. K. Rowling
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London, 1997
First Edition, First Softcover Printing FIRST Bloomsbury edition, FIRST Softcover Printing in exceptional condition
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Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (Scarce Green Uncorrected Proof, 1 of 150 !) - J.K. Rowling
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London, 1999
Scarce Uncorrected Proof Copy Given Uncorrected Proofs are sent for READING and review PRIOR to the release of the first printing, this example (1 of only 150 printed) is in extraordinary for a one of the early Harry Potter series uncorrected proofs. The proof for Azkaban came in two states: a first state in purple wraps which had an assumed print run of 50 copies, and a second state in green wraps with a presumed print run of 150, figures provided by the publisher [Errington 2017: 652-655]. This copy being one of the 150 extremely scarce first state copies in Green wrappers.
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The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien, 1937 1st Edition, 2nd Impression
George Allen & Unwin, London, 1937
First Edition, Second Impression, 1937 A near fine very clean unrestored copy.
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The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1938
First Edition, First printing, First State A near fine copy of the FIRST printing, in the FIRST state dated 1938 to the title page with the "bowing elf" to the title page. (First Printings in the first state have a "bowing elf", the second state has a "sitting elf playing the flute").
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Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets - J. K. Rowling, Signed Ca. 1998
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London, 1998
First Edition, First Printing, INSCRIBED AND SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR in the year of publication "To Jonathan with best wishes J.K. Rowling" A superb inscription with a wonderful association. Near fine book with a near fine condition dust jacket. Signed and Inscribed copies of this title are extremely scarce. Signed by Rowling at her book launch at Waterstones in Aberdeen in 1998.
Ex: Bonhams, accompanied by the purchase invoice and tag number.
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Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (First State) - J.K. Rowling
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London, 1999
Scarce First State of the First Edition, First Printing FINE book in a FINE jacket. Not bookclub, Not the Australian edition, Not the Ted Smart edition, Not the Canadian edition, but the scarce true first state of the first Bloomsbury edition with the complete number line of 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 , and the requisite dropped text on page 7. A stunning unrestored example of this First edition FIRST STATE book and original first edition dust jacket, not price clipped and in fine condition. It has been reported that the first state print run was only 500 pieces.
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Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire - J. K. Rowling, With Full Page Watercolor Art by Cover Artist Giles Greenfield
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London, 2000
First Edition in Deluxe Binding Fine, crisp book with a stunning ORIGINAL FULL PAGE WATERCOLOUR SIGNED and DATED, by the Cover artist Giles Greenfield which was tipped into the book. The art depicts Harry held back by Merfolk in the late. "Giles Greenfield / '06"
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Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone - J. K. Rowling
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London, 1997
First HARDCOVER Edition, THIRD Printing FINE/FINE. FINE crisp book and FINE condition dust jacket. The 1st and 2nd Impression Hardback printings of this book were issued without a dust jacket, the third printing was historically significant as it was the first printing which included a dust jacket.
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Winnie The Pooh - A.A. Milne
Methuen & Co, London, 1926
First Edition, First Printing Beautiful unrestored crisp fine/near fine book with the scarce original first edition, first state dust jacket. The book is in extraordinary condition considering that many children's book are usually found "well loved and read".
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The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis
Macmillan, 1950
Stated First Edition, First US Printing Lovely near fine/fine clean book with the scarce FIRST printing dust jacket. First book in the Narnia fantasy series.
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Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone - J. K. Rowling
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London, 1997
First Edition, First Softcover Printing FIRST Bloomsbury edition, FIRST Softcover Printing. Not bookclub, Not the Australian edition, Not the Ted Smart edition, Not the Canadian edition, Not ex-library, but the scarce true first edition, first printing Bloomsbury edition with the complete number line of 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. Wendy Cooling review is present to the base of the front board. The publisher page credits Joanne Rowling and contains no space between “r” and “1″ on Thomas Taylor 1997 in error. On rear cover, there is no second "o" in the word Philosopher's, And 1 Wand is listed twice on page 53.
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The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1938
First Edition, First printing, Second State A near fine copy of the FIRST printing, in the second state dated 1938 to the title page with the "sitting elf" playing the flute. (First Printings in the first state have a "bowing elf").
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Arthur Rackham - An Original Pen and Ink Published Drawing From "Candlelight"
Arthur Rackham Superb Signed Final Published Detailed Pen and Ink Drawing, from "Candlelight", Cassell's Magazine interior illustration
This stunning final published drawing by Arthur Rackham is rendered in vibrant pen and ink with goache highlights. Signed by Arthur Rackham with his full name lower left "Arthur Rackham".
A superb depiction of an older balding man with hair in disarray, wearing his night clothes, walking barefoot- and holding a lite candle. He appears thoroughly surprised by a visit by a stern gent with a top hat.
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The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader - C.S. Lewis
Geoffrey Bles, London, 1952
Stated First Edition, First Printing Near fine book with a near fine unfaded first printing dust jacket. The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader is the third book in the Narnia fantasy series after The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, and Prince Caspian.
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Arthur Rackham - Snickerty Nick and The Giant, A Charming Framed Original Pen and Ink Drawing
Framed Charming Signed Detailed Pen and Ink Drawing by Arthur Rackham, alternate Title page from the book "Snickerty Nick and The Giant" Ex. Sotheby's London
Framed Charming Signed Detailed Pen and Ink Drawing by Arthur Rackham, alternate Title page from the book "Snickerty Nick and The Giant" Ex. Sotheby's London
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Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire - J. K. Rowling, Signed, With Golden Ticket
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London, 2000
Signed First Edition, First Printing. Fine, crisp book and Fine condition dust jacket, with the scarce provenance of the original GOLDEN TICKET to the book signing event!
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